I am hearing some educated comments here!
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
I am hearing some educated comments here!
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
Thanks for the other side of the coin, bluesapphire
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
This is a query. I keep hearing I am already guilty of thought rather than deed. Classic JW to me ... Sorry
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
Does anyone else notice what just happen here by the tone of VII's response? Rather than to reason on a question, the poster opted to assault my character ... Isn't that essentially the same technique used for decades by the WBTS to stifle freedom of expression? That is. get the questioner to doubt themselves ... Remember in this case the facts indicate that I have not missed or even been late on a mortgage payment ...
Have we opened a sidebar here?
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
After paying my mortgage faithfully for an "underwater" property, should financial institutions be entitled to tax money I have paid in order to compensate them for losses incurred due to their own mismanagement? Is that "ethical"?
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
OK Jeff:
My loan is variable. The next time it goes up it will be out of reach. To wait until distress may not put me in a position to get financing for the next property. I think I must project ...
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
Something just came to mind concerning my mortgage note. The lender WAS Wa-Mu ... remember, the company whose stock went from $45 per/share to .19 per/share. Now, when they went belly up and Chase took over the accounts, angry stockholders were told something like this: " Hey, when you invested it came with a risk. If you didn't want the risk you should not have invested." Doesn't the same principle hold true as to my obligation now with Chase?
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
Hey ..
Thanx to all for points of view ... a lotvto take in at once ... please have patience ...
while i dont usually submit long-winded posts ... this one might well be worth it for those who do not fully realize the emotional and financial hazard involved in living as though the world, as we know it, is about to end:.
first let me say, bob and mary, i will call them, are a decent and caring couple who have been married forty or so years.
they were both raised as jehovahs witnesses and have consistently lived their faith.
Do you see any correlation between the Haitian tragedy and that of JWs?
while i dont usually submit long-winded posts ... this one might well be worth it for those who do not fully realize the emotional and financial hazard involved in living as though the world, as we know it, is about to end:.
first let me say, bob and mary, i will call them, are a decent and caring couple who have been married forty or so years.
they were both raised as jehovahs witnesses and have consistently lived their faith.
Thought About It! ...
Please send check!@!@
Signed ...... Needy